sperm abductor
one who steals s-m-n from sperm banks because he/she is a c-m guzzling b-tch.
some sick sperm abductors ransacked the local spermatorium.
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is a style or design that gains and loses its popularity within a brief period of time. over-all bust jumpsuit fad style
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splash log:when a t-rd of considerable proportions h-ts the toilet water and drenches your -ss and genitals. i just splash logged the h-ll out of my b-lls with the dump i just took.
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when two or more drivers can’t physically argue with one another, the exchange is verbalized with their car’s horns. example 1. driver a hesitates for a moment after the traffic light changes green, prompting driver b to honk his horn. driver a is offended because just as he was starting to move, that jerk behind […]
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