sport sex

having unemotionally s-x with someone purely for the chloric (weight) benefits.
the best way to lose weight is to find someone hot and have sport s-x. i lose 10lbs having sport s-x, better than slim fast!
having s-x with a opposite/same s-x partner for a defined period of time to see who can cause the other person to have more -rg-sms.
john and jane had sport s-x the other night for 5 hours, john won, he made jane -rg-sm 30 times in his 8.
purely recreational s-x, used for entertainment purposes only. not bad, if you can find it. see also sport f-cking, f-ckbuddy, friends with benefits, quantum dating.
i’m totally ripped from all the sport s-x i’ve been having with my f-ck buddy. it’s better than a gym membership!

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