squid fight
when ladies b-mp v-g-n-s. because it looks like squids fighting with their beaks.
is leslie coming to the party tonight?
nah, she’s at home squid fighting with her girlfriend.
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- Squidy Dumplings
taking a dump and it comes out spiral-like; another from of the “squirts” or “runs” person one, “i ate the chicken tenders from the 7-11.” person two, “wow! you are brave!” person one, “yeah, it gave me the squidy dumplings.”
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the area of the pelvis that is exposed when people try to ride their pants too low. often revealing a little bit more than is neccessary. john: hey man, did you see adam earlier today? he was totally vizhabuzh, it was totally unnecisary, i actually think i saw some of his bush! peter: dude, that’s […]
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to furkle v – 1) to rummage around; to search. 2) to muck about. often misspelled as “searching” after much furkling, will discovered that his new word “furkling” was acknowledged by only 238 people worldwide. karan furkled around in her handbag for her pen, while will less-than-calmly tried to explain what “furkling” was.
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(n.) pr. \ˈfər\və-dən(t)s\ the fur your pet leaves behind at the scene of the crime. ex. at first sally was inclined to believe it was steve (her house guest) and not princess perfect (her dog) who had gotten into her trash, left a trail of shredded tissues, yogurt lids, and chicken bones across the floor, […]