
1) when one is feeling unstable or is acting of a peculiar manner
2) the state one reaches from days of sleep deprevation or drug use.
“oh man, did you see lori before cl-ss today? she’s gone totally squinky”
popeye & his father have a squinky eye all scrunched up.
popeye: i’m your one and only exspring. see, we got the same bulgy arms.

p–pdeck pappy: no resemblance.

popeye: we-we got the same squinky eye.

p–pdeck pappy: what squinky eye?

popeye: that’s going to be hard for you to see.
something that is cute yet seems weird and not quite right. seems to be under the effects of drugs but this is how they act normally, there is no reason to fear irrational or unpredictable behavior.
they may often voice s-d-st and/or m-s-ch-stic thoughts and try to devour your soul, this is normal as it is required for them to survive.
on another note squinkies love to bake cookies and will often win over people to their cause through such activities.
person1: wtf is that over their man, it looks so cute but it’s eating that babies cookies in such a violent way.

person2: i don’t know man, looks like a squinky to me.
something out of the ordinary, not right
the surgeon who operated on the patient with multiple bowel surgeries commented that the patient’s anatomy was “squinky” when he attempted to resect his colostomy.
a behavior that is the direct response of someone that is beyond annoying. usually ends with a snotty response, snide remark, or something that usually offends the person in question, but entertains the others around you. you will tend to get squinky when there are worthless, pathetic people around you. it’s a direct response to their stupidity. it’s not usually controllable.

variations: “squinky-doo” : someone who is annoyed and acting nasty.
sorry i’m so squinky, but oh my god, could they be more annoying?

calm down squinky-doo!
something that is small and cute.
my new kitten is so squinky!

check out the squinky babe in that cab.
angry, mad, frustrated and so forth. it has so many meanings i can’t be -rs-d with them all.
‘why are you so squinky at me, stan?’

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