-nix and -bsd program standing for “secure sh-ll” which has many different commercial implementations along with an open-source implementation called openssh.
it is used to remotely login to a computer running sshdsecure sh-ll daemon using a username a p-ssword and then execute commands on the remote machine. works nicely when you have your parents running gentoo linux like i do. =^_-=
ssh user@host
it is also the abreviation for the j-panese metal band saitama saishuu heiki, which makes arrangements of videogame music and some original compositions.
yay! i heard holy orders arrangement from ssh!
sk-nk sl-t hoe. ssh is to be used in times when you need more than one word to describe how sl-tty a person is because sometimes only using the word sk-nk doesn’t always say enough.
miles cyrus is a total ssh.
simply sitting at home. people who choose unemployment as their employer.
ask steve to do it. he is ssh.
abbreviation for super silver haze, a potent strain of marijuana. best smoked out of a bong, if you ask me.
ssh x trainwreck + bong = ripped for hours
also an abbreviation for a decription of a person that is a super sl-tty h-r-.
“stay the h-ll away from that chic , she’s an ssh”
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- Turd Chunnel
european slang for -n-s or colon person 1: after i ate mexican food last night my t-rd chunnel is on fire
- Turdiest
a superlative equivalent to “sh-ttiest”. justin bieber’s songs are the t-rdiest songs i’ve never heard.
- turd prodder
an active male h-m-s-xual bill was a predatory t-rd prodder, he poked more -rs- than you have had hot breakfasts, duckie.
- turfbiter
a lesbian or one who performs oral s-x on women. the woman loved eating p-ssy. she was a seriously aggressive turfbiter.
- Turgon
(n) 1) one of four admins on solia online, and the site’s code writer. takes his name from the character in tolkien’s “the silmarillion” who founded the city gondolin. turgon is 14′ 7″ tall (approx. 4.5 meters) and is fully capable of carrying a fully loaded school bus for seventy-six miles in less than five […]