St. Charles, Missouri
adequate size suburb with mostly white middle-cl-ss people. if you live in the county and meet someone new your 1st question to ask/answer is “what high school did you go to?”. your answer will speak volumes because that is how you’ll be judged.
odd mix of people who think they live in st. louis, therefore acting ghetto as h-ll, and people who think they’re from the country, therefore acting liks hicks. n-body lives on a farm, but you might own land a while away. n-body lives in the ghetto, but schs is sketch.
small enough to call it a town because chances are wherever you go you can run into someone you know. big enough to call it a suburb if you want to -ssociate with stl. it takes 4 exits along hwy 70 to p-ss through.
majority of hs grads go to scc. a good amount will go to a state school. a few enlist. a lot go to lewis and clark. but we all have one thing in common: hs was pathetic and did not prepare you for college.
most people have their license and a job at 16 years old. the only thing to do is a football or basketball game on friday night. maybe people will gather in a bas-m-nt a drink some beer while their parents are upstairs.
awkwardly located north enough to like hockey but south enough to say “y’all”. hunting season is just as big as baseball season. girls wear carhartts for no reason.
home of the words hoosier, skeet, and h-lla. everyone has gone on a float trip, been to el maguey, lyons, fritz’s, plays washers, and had a bonfire and cfm slushie.
scenario a:
person a: where are you from?
person b: st. louis
person a: what part?
person b: well, a suburb west of stl, st. charles…
person a: oh what’s in st. charles, missouri?
person b: …
scenario b:
person a: oh where you from?
person b: st. charles, missouri
person a: what high school did you go to?!
person b: (next answer is crucial because it says so much about you) d-ch-sne
… -crickets-…
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