standby is a way of cheating in halo 2 xbox live. it is when u press the standby b-tton on the back of your modem. you automatically go into the blue screen. and when you return everything is real laggy and the player who pressed the b-tton owns everyone while he is playing perfectly normal.
oh sh-t! my team just got standbyed in team slayer.
the act of pausing, or “standbying” the connection in an online game, primarily on halo2. when standbying, the host of the game (the player that the other players are connected to) causes all of the other plays to lag into a blue screen which is the “connecting to game” screen. the host, however, gain a few more seconds of game-time before he himself is also put into blue screen. expert standbyers are able to kill every person on the opposing team without ever going to bluescreen.
there are different types of standby, normal standby, in which just one player does it, and team standby, in which the entire team (or multiple people on that team) bridged their connections together and are both standbying which is also a lot more effective and a lot harder to lag out of.
standby is done primarily in two fashions:
1) pushing the “standby” b-tton your modem.
2) unplugging your ethernet cord out of your modem.
however, some more intelligent people find easier ways of doing this, one being udp packet flooding (my favorite).
although standbying is cheating, some people standby only when they are being modded. standby causes all of the modder’s abilities (super speed/jump/auto aim) to stop briefly, usually within enough time to kill him.
standbying ends then the host either lags out of the game (and you see a “re-establishing connection” screen), or when the host pushes the standby b-tton again/plugs his ethernet back in.
only hosts can standby.
“halo2modder4life: oh em eff gee they’re standbying!”
“thespartan025: only because you’re modding, noob.”
“we standby: pffft look at dat noob i just pwned him n -ssasinated him n sh-t like dat”
“thespartan025: standby more please.”
“we standby: el oh el noobz i aint standbying!!!1!!111!! (“oh sh-t im about to die!! -unplugs ethernet cord-“)
most often used to describe a form of cheating where the host of an online videogame presses the “standby” b-tton on a cable modem (mostly american models have this on the top or back), causing various things to happen in the game, usually to give the host a huge advantage over other players.
in the unpatched version of halo 2, the standby b-tton can be used by the host to freeze all the other players in place.
in splintercell: pandora tomorrow, the standby b-tton can be used to redirect another players’ path, optimally into the cheaters’ traps.
cheating technique used to screw every d-mn played in a halo 2 match
“dude the flag jus dissapeared”
“o sh-t they are standbying”
the act of pausing, or “standbying” the connection in an online game, primarily on halo2. when standbying, the host of the game (the player that the other players are connected to) causes all of the other plays to lag into a blue screen which is the “connecting to game” screen. the host, however, gain a few more seconds of game-time before he himself is also put into blue screen. expert standbyers are able to kill every person on the opposing team without ever going to bluescreen.
there are different types of standby, normal standby, in which just one player does it, and team standby, in which the entire team (or multiple people on that team) bridged their connections together and are both standbying which is also a lot more effective and a lot harder to lag out of.
standby is done primarily in two fashions:
1) pushing the “standby” b-tton your modem.
2) unplugging your ethernet cord out of your modem.
however, some more intelligent people find easier ways of doing this, one being udp packet flooding (my favorite).
although standbying is cheating, some people standby only when they are being modded. standby causes all of the modder’s abilities (super speed/jump/auto aim) to stop briefly, usually within enough time to kill him.
standbying ends then the host either lags out of the game (and you see a “re-establishing connection” screen), or when the host pushes the standby b-tton again/plugs his ethernet back in.
only hosts can standby.
“halo2modder4life: oh em eff gee they’re standbying!”
“thespartan025: only because you’re modding, noob.”
“we standby: pffft look at dat noob i just pwned him n -ssasinated him n sh-t like dat”
“thespartan025: standby more please.”
“we standby: el oh el noobz i aint standbying!!!1!!111!! (“oh sh-t im about to die!! -unplugs ethernet cord-“)
to inform a female (b-tch) of it’s current status. which would consist of being ready at a moments notice in the event that plans with another female (b-tch), that were previously determined, have fallen through. her being your last resort.
“hey what up b-tch? i’m going out with kim tonight, but your -ss is on standby in case she ditches.”
to rise up; to maintain one’s position; to resist.
even though i’m with someone else now, i stand by everything i said (good and bad). i did right by you. you didn’t do right by me. after my friend request went ignored, i hurt, i forgave you, and i moved on. i’m sorry.
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