to kick the bejesus out of somebody; to physically decimate or shred an individual.
when the tizzun referred to me as his “beeyotch,” i stomped a mudhole in his -ss and walked it dry.
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- Dildogenence
1. (adj) acting spineless and floppy like a wriggling fake p-n-s. 2. (adj) acting like a poser (fake) and a d-ck. 2. (adj) something of awesome proportions and magnitude. see also: d-ld-jo, dildike, d-ld-ser and dildisease guy1: dude! he just slapped your mom! guy2: really!?! guy1: you gotta go help her. kill that guy! guy2: […]
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(verb used with object) -ed over -ing over : to eagerly look forward to something; to antic-p-te pleasure. “i luff over christmas every year.” — “after the destruction of a world war iii, i would have a hard time luffing over rebuilding.”
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when a woman has shaved her p-b-s but, still has p-b-s in her v-g-n- she has forgotten take care of. then when she and a man get intimate the man’s p-n-s get trapped in her “web” of p-b-s thus, he is un-able to finish. dude did you her about mitch and amanda!? apparently she had […]
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a floating t-rd. also known as a floater. “dude, some nasty b-st-rd left 3 mexican swimmers in the employee restroom.”