Strange Facebook Language
strange facebook language is used by those who find ways to manipulate words into making them abbreviations. the words that they use are very confusing, and sometimes, less convienient than the original way of saying it.
it’s used too much, and it get’s obnoxious very easily
strange facebook language:
beeteedubs, btdubs, beeteedoubleu: it’s orgin comes from btw, which means by the way. there is no reason as to why people say beeteedubs, it is less convienient, and it sounds stupid. it is also typically said in everyday speech. people think it sounds cool, when it only makes them seem more annoying then they probably are.
totes: totally
presh: precious
dorbs: adorable
whateves: whatever
ahhemmgee/ohhemmgee: originated from omg which means oh my g-d.
probs: probably
embar: embar-ssing
pic: picture
many other terms are used. this is just a handful, these are probably the most common used.
1. a comment said in strange facebook language: “ahhemmgee, this pic is totes embar. but, beeteedubs, you look totes presh!” bistander: what the f-ck did they even say?
2. another comment. “this is probs the most presh pic i’ve ever seen of you!”
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