Stripper Streaks
thick obnoxious streaks of highlighted hair, most notably popular among strippers.
“you should totally get some stripper streaks, that would be hot!”
“time to re-do the stripper streaks, your black roots are showing.”
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a type of pipe tobacco that is made mostly with latakia, a syrian tobacco with a distinct flavor and smell, and some occasionally perique, a tobacco similar to cavindish that is grown exclusively in louisianna. i loves me some english tobacco!
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if you are having a stroke, you are stroking off, and stroganoth! stroganoth is just a mispr-nounctiation of “stroking off”. dude 1:”oh, no… i am having a stroke!” dude 2:”-gasp- d-mn, you are stroking off!” dude 3:”shut up, “dude 1″ is just stroganoth!” smart dude:”all are correct!!!”
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coming term used to make a stoned person laugh,usually accompanied by hand movements as a gay rainbow. shwow,shwooooooowwwww!you laughed, you must be high! a catch-phrase which is meant to be said randomly and out in public. dude, look at those shaboopies. shwow!
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to rub upon a queer or to use a queer to ch-r-s jason all u’ve doin all night is queer hustlin.
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a word describing a quadcycle. sherry’s quadcycle is looking rather queerical