Superjoint Ritual

a band formed by phil anselmo taht combines thrash metal with punk,fast and f-cking brutal.
if i could f-ck superjoint ritual’s music it would be swollen everyday.
a horrible experiment in which it was discovered that otherwise talented musicians could create really sh-tty music. phenomenal alb-ms if what you like is really fast songs with no apparent melody because lisening to d-tuned garbage played at 166 bpm makes you “hardcore.”
“hey, i want to get back at my more talented friends for being more talented than i am. how can i make a total embarrasment out of myself?”
“get all these great musicians together, record a really cr-ppy alb-m, and sell it through wal-mart. and use a really stupid band name – superjoint ritual sounds good. if that doesn’t show the world what a t-rd you are, then nothing will.” band that has no rythm.

2.uses phil anselmo’s celebrity to make up for their lack of instrumental talent.

3. all noise,no music
#1: the cd player’s skipping!

#2: no it’s just playing a track from the superjoint ritual cd.

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