acronym for “sit your -ss down you mother f-cking b-tch -ss ho” .
b-tch please syadymfbah!
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- Gum Orgy
v. to put several pieces of gum in ones mouth, all at the same time and proceeding to chew until the pieces merge into one big gum ball. jordan: want some gum? brittany: why the h-ll not. two pieces of gum is getting boring anyway. jordan: like a gum orgy.
- Gumptard
someone who is both stupid and a r-t-rd. a gumptard. guy 1: ”that guy’s failed his test three times now” guy 2:”wow, what a gumptard!”
- Gunchester
manchester. the highest gun crime in the uk. period. the founder and original organiser of organised crime. period. roughest streets, meanest people, d-lo hustlas, false claimers of dangerous groups, wanabe new yorkers. b-mmest p-ssy, illest weed, b-tches giving it up, b-tches going down. period. gunchester boy: wer u from kid? outsider: nah um im not […]
- Gunning it
undertake a disciplined activity at full-throttle. he’s got exams next week and he’s absolutely gunning it.
- gun running
selling firearms illegaly “a kgb undercover operative will be gun running at a undisclosed location.”