T-Rex Arms
after working out your biceps the following day your arms become sore and unbendable causing this condition. also referred to as “dino arms”.
i’m having major issues getting my shirt on this morning. i have a bad case of t-rex arms after that crazy workout.
the condition in which a person contorts their arms into a position resembling those of t-rex arms. most commonly seen in heavily intoxicated individuals.
pat was so hammered last night that he busted out the t-rex arms.
:a condition in which somebodies wrists apear to be glued to their chest with there fingers streched out in all different directions. often accurs with the mildly r-t-rded or with people who just pretend to be.
“did you see that crazy guy with the t-rex arms.”
“dude he was pretending.”
when someone holds their arms in close to their sides with their wrists bent. all hand movements are made in a range of motion that keeps the elbow pinned to the ribs, giving the illusion of undersized t-rex arms.
lexi was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the door as it threatened to break from the force of gil’s blows. for such little t-rex arms he still had a surprising amount of upper body strength.
when somone is too cheap to pick up the tab,they are said to have t-rex arms. their arms are too short to reach in thier pocket and get out some money.
ant had t-rex arms last night at the bar.
‘t-rex arm’ :
when laying in bed cuddling your partner, and one arm gets trapped under both bodies/pillow rendering it useless, it is ‘t-rex arm’, i.e completely void of movement and use.thus, similar to a tyrannosaurus rex’s arm.
girl- hey todd, p-ss me the remote
boy- i can’t i’ve got t-rex arm!
a person, who’s slightly shorter than normal arms make normal activities difficult. also occurs when one’s arms are significanly shorter that their partners, resulting in frequent resquests for -ssistance.
when laying in bed… honey could you turn the lamp on, my t-rex arms wont reach.
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