Taco Butt
1. a case of diarrhea experienced after eating cheap mexican food. i.e. taco bell, microwaveable burritos.
johhny.: “hey you ready go to out for dinner?”
steve: “nah man i had some taco bell for lunch and got a mad case of taco b-tt…”
the moist, verticle line on the seat of your grey sweat pants from overheating and sticking to your b-tt crack.
“you can tell she really worked out in spin cl-ss. she has taco b-tt!”
developing a big backside due to excessive amount of eating at taco bell.
keri: look at jills taco b-tt
sammy: yeah, i see her at taco bell everyday after school!
when a person has consumed so many tacos, that literally one more taco will cause their -ss to explode.
tommy: hey johnny, that new secretary’s gotta nice phat booty. guarantee i’ll be knee deep in that thing by christmas.
johnny: dude, you didn’t hear? thats not your run of the mill phat booty.
tommy: no, don’t tell me…
johnny: that’s right man, taco b-tt.
tommy: oh, snap.
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a guy who pretends to be a h-m- as to reap it’s many benifits- such as : tight pants, pink shirts, shopping, oprah, speedo’s, australia, compact cars, large cars, leather hats and thin cigarettes !!! that oprah watching -ss similator over there with the tight pants over his speedo- who deffinitely owns a compact car […]