another word for talk to the hand. usually means you really extremely really really dont like someone, or you’re pms-ing.
can be used whenever the f-ck you feel like it.
” g-d, you’re such a hoe lynn, talkadahand. “
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- Tambles
acts as a curse word. means the same as every cuss word ever! oh, tamble!, you tamble!, go to tamble!, tamble you!, tamble hole!, you mother tamble!, g-d tamble! in a terrible, shattered state of being the step-up of shambles the southern portion of the united states after the american civil war was in tambles.
- eyeing up
to notice and/or show a particular interest in something – usually a hot guy/girl, but can also be a meal or anything really. dan, check that girl out by the bar, she is totally eyeing you up dude. tom’s order took so long to get, i caught the fat b-st-rd eyeing up my big mac […]
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- muniba
1. one who is always high/stoned on a daily basis 2. a vampire connoisseur, knowledgeable in matters concerning transylvania, castles, and the rest of that dark stuff. 3. a biriyani-maker. 1. “yeah that dude’s a real muniba, he’s always got a joint in his hand” 2. the muniba is coming over later to make our […]
- Quiroz
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