g-d amongst gr-ss pokemon, made up of millions of brilliant vines. mortals have learned to fear his mighty power whip of justice.
neither i, nor any mere mortal, can comprehend the true form of tangrowth.
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- tangatan
when cheap fake tan goes wrong, resulting in a orange/yellow skin colour. mostly seen on young silly girls and chav’s yo yo g look at dat fake -ss tangatan girl yeah she luki rufff when fake tan takes a turn for the worst, leaving skin a bright orange colour, just like tango. for help on […]
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a person who is made of nads;nads are b-lls; im nadsofsteel (made of b-lls) im nadsofsteel (made of b-lls) nadsofsteel, a person who is anoying, stupid, and a complete idiot among other things. nadsofsteel is gay nadsofsteel is a wuss nadsofsteel is stupid nadsofsteel will never have s-x nadsofsteel is a moron nadsofsteel is a […]
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some kid who spends countless hours, bludging in the libary “doing maths”. did u see that kid in the libary?? what a tanbeer
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the little b-st-rds that take your pencils when you’re not looking. also, just to mess with you they put the pencil back into your pocket a couple hours later just to f-ck with you. john: have you seen my pencil? eric: no. wasn’t it just on the table? i think the pencil leperchauns got to […]
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a large member aka schwonz. or member of the peen peen tribe matt has a non-existing penin terry is the leader of the southeast penin tribe a p-n-s. branin has no penin. he has a smooth, hairless lump.