quite possibly the entire united states army, navy, and air force rolled into one. someone who plays video games in complete silence so they cant hear him, and only plays with camouflage controllers so they cant see him either. known for one night stands: or so he claims.
dude i: “man, that pick up line sounded like something tarchis would use.”
dude ii: “if you were a booger i would pick you?”
dude i: ” yeah.”
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one who wears a turban;an arab;a muslim;a hindu;a y-sser-arab-rat,an afghani;a camel-jockey;a wealthy towelhead. if i was stationed in iraq,i`d be wary of any tarphead that came close to me.
- Tarp Your Load
originally a sign along the highway to remind gardeners to cover the brush in their pickup on the way to the dump. has come to mean to tell someone to stop complaining “my knees and hips hurt when i run, and i am thirsty and sunburned” “omg, tarp your load” to wear a condom hey […]
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smoker. possibly derived from tar-lungs or similar. pr-nounced tah ree, emphasis on the first syllable. i had to wait for the bus standing up cos some tarrie was breathing smoke all over the shelter.
- Taylor Mckessie
the annoying black l-ss from high school musical. she’s also a member of the scholastic decathlon club at east high school. some people also describe her as ‘that friggin mean annoying black one from that gay musical’ from hsm 1 taylor mckessie: -forces gabriella to stop doing the callbacks because that’s not her ‘thing’- gabriella: […]
- Taylyn
a girl name that can also be spelled many different ways but is pr-nounced “tay-lynn”. american name deriving from a combination of taylor and lynn. taylyn has beautiful eyes. taylyn is a fun girl normally with brown eyes.she is extremely s-xy. she normally isn’t a hoochie but when guys can get past get barriers she […]