an -rg-sm so intense, it makes you scream and yell like tarzan
omg…you totally gave me a tarzasm
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- tartstank
the stink on your clothes after visiting a gentlemen’s club without having even touched a stripper i have to keep an extra set of clothes in my car to fool my wife as the febreeze isn’t covering up the tartstank
- Tasty Manor
the s-xual act of using mcdonalds mcnugget dipping sauce as s-xual lube, after being microwaved, creating a warm tingling sensation in the -sshole and p-n-s. when conducting a tasty manor, you must have at least 3 large fries nearby so when both partners have reached climax, you can use the -ss/v-g-n- as a “dipping cup” […]
- Tatashenunga
b–bies whoa she has big “tatashenungas!”
- Taxi Girl
a prost-tute. in use in cambodia from the 1950’s or earlier to today (2008) to describe the locally abundant freelance working girls found in parks, bars, clubs, and public places. as opposed to bar-girls, karaoke girls, m-ssage girls, brothel girls, barbershop girls, coffee-shop girls, hostesses, and the like which are employed by the establishment. there […]
take the time you need. (norwegian) ta den tiden du trenger i have waited an hour now. tdtdt!