Te quiero
literally means “i want you” in spanish, but doesn’t always mean that one wants you. while in english one can change from “i like you” to “i love you”, spanish speakers usually has three transitions:
1. “me gustas” (i like you)
2. “te quiero!” (i love you in a soft and general way like “luv ya”)
3. “te amo” (i love you, very strong and intimate)
1. during cl-ss, tom whispered “me gusta esta nina” to his best friend while glancing at the girl in front of the cl-ss. (i like that girl)
2. ligia shrieked “julia! gracias! te quierooo!” hugging her friend hard. julia gave her a cd of her favorite artist.
3. john nervously looked deeply into alicia’s eyes, who he was dating for one year already, and said “alicia… te amo…” and then kissed her tenderly after seeing her shocked but happy face.
literally means “i want you” in spanish, but doesn’t always mean that one wants you. while in english one can change from “i like you” to “i love you”, spanish speakers usually has three transitions:
1. “me gustas” (i like you)
2. “te quiero!” (i love you in a soft and general way like “luv ya”)
3. “te amo” (i love you, very strong and intimate)
1. during cl-ss, tom whispered “me gusta esta nina” to his best friend while glancing at the girl in front of the cl-ss. (i like that girl)
2. ligia shrieked “julia! gracias! te quierooo!” hugging her friend hard. julia gave her a cd of her favorite artist.
3. john nervously looked deeply into alicia’s eyes, who he was dating for one year already, and said “alicia… te amo mucho!” and then kissed her tenderly after seeing her shocked but happy face.
spanish texted frase meaning “i like you like a friend” the absence of the sp-ce between “te” and “quiero” makes the difference between the common frase “te quiero” meaning “i like or love you like a g/f or b/f”. this difference is only made by texting, and is commonly used between friends when they are saying good bye.
example 1:
person 1: see you tomorrow
person 2: yes
person 1: bye
person 2: bye
person 1: tequiero
example 2:
you are a great friend, i can always trust on you tequiero.
i love you
{christina looks in to justins eyes}
christina: te quiero…te quiero
justin: aw babe, i love you too
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