Teacup Pigging
having -n-l intercourse with a midget while said midget is eating a bowl of cereal with no utensils and squealing like a pig.
man, when bill clinton was in office he couldn’t stop “teacup pigging” the midget society of america.
going b-lls deep into a shank while eating sandwiches and playing the music of beck on c-ssette tapes and clips of bill clinton on vhs simultaneously.
i can’t get the image of monica lewinsky outta my head after teacup pigging aubry last night.
i got into teacup pigging to combine all my loves of music, history, sandwiches and s-x.
an act that is s-xual in nature and preformed to the music of beck. also used to refer to the impeachment of former president bill clinton since he is generally accepted as the one who made teacup pigging famous.
i’m totally teacup pigging your mom later.
a s-xual innuendo having something to do with bill clinton and/or beck often indicating some sort of perversion or comical act.
teacup pigged
john: you seen jane?
phil: she’s teacup pigging a cigar on the balcony.
john: oh, that’s where it’s at…
1. the act of seduction involving teacup pigs.
2. the act of s-xual intercourse because of teacup pigs.
bill clinton was teacup pigging with monica and hilary.
when guys use a teacup pig to attract girls; it usually is not effective but some girls have a weak side for teacup pigs because they are so cute
i’m going teacup pigging tonight to pick up some chicks at the mall.
a method of luring women to perform s-xual acts.
monica lewinsky fell for bill clinton’s impressive teacup pigging skills.
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