techno myth
the replacement of cl-ssic greek and roman myths with modern – new age ones
(defined in michael crichton’s the lost world)
these are all examples of a techno myth.
1. an alien is living at a hangar at wright – patterson air force base.
2. somebody invented a carburetor that gets 150mpg but the automobile company bought the patent and is sitting on it
3. russians trained children in esp at a secret base in siberia and there kids can kill people anywhere in the world with thier thoughts
4. the lines in nazca, peru are an alien sp-ceport
5. the cia released the aids virus to kill h-m-s-xuals
6. that nikola tesla discovered an incredible energy source, but all his notes are lost.
7. that in istanbul there’s a tenth-century drawing that shows the earth from sp-ce.
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