The Condor

deep within the bowels of james river high school, four men belonging to the meanest clique in the white suburbs of chesterfield, created what has been described as “ a dance that is a metaphor for the streets”. i speak of course of the condor, a dance that takes skill, dedication, focus and a six foot wing span.

how to do the condor: first squat with your knees bowed out. then balance on the toes of your feet like a triumphant predatory bird on the hunt. finally, begin to flap your arms in a graceful yet aggressive manor like that of a condor, letting everyone around you know you are a boss.

it’s best to do the condor at prom, pep rallies or in public places in the presence of strangers. always begin any “car dance” with a solid 45 second condor. remember that by doing the condor you are letting everyone within a 50 foot radius know that you are the sh-t, simply by paying homage to the greatest avian species on earth. long live the condor!
“wow, that kid is sick-tight at the condor, i bet he gets all the ladies”
~ anonymous
when a man gets behind a woman wraps his arms around her waist with his p-n-s inserted in the v-g-n-. has her grip a hand rail or headboard, lifts his legs and begins flapping them like a condor.
i met this chick last night and gave her the condor!!!
the act of rearing up like a bird mid-cloitis, and screeching like a condor or for the more patriotic, a bald eagle.
“dude so i was f-cking this chick in the -ss last night, and i totally gave her the condor.

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