The Plumber
a tantric s-x technique in which a man and a woman remain joined in penetrative s-x for a long period of time, with neither partner trying to achieve -rg-sm at any time.
so called because “you stay in all day, but n-body comes”.
lily and i stayed in bed all day last sunday and tried the plumber for 7 hours. she was still sore the following morning.
when a friend, partner or acquaintance plugs your -n-s with their fist when you have an extreme case of diarrhea, thus stopping the leak. if done incorrectly, the excrement will run down the partner’s arm.
ex 1: bob: aww man, i’ve got -n-l leakage again. time to call the plumber
joe: … what the f-ck is wrong with you?
ex 2: maria! your cr-ppy mexican food gave me an -ssquake!
give me the good old plumber!
sticking a womans head in the toilet while f-cking her in the -ss
blaize: did you bang her?
cheetoh: yeah i gave her the plumber
the act of taking a plunger and plunging at a girl’s cl-toris until she -rg-sms. can also be a form of m-st-rb-t–n.
don’t use that plunger to unclog the toilet… i like to play the plumber with your sister.
the act of using a plunger to extract sh-t from your partners booty. then try to shove it back up the -n-l c-n-l.
yo man i showed mary the plumber last night.
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