the shablablu
when mike tougas is makin a move on somebody at the water park
when mike was h-ttin on that ulgy girl at sunsplash
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rolling on the floor laughing my -ss off till tears came out of my eyes and snot came out of my nose (in a chat window) a: dude…check this out!!! a: (5 minutes later) you there? b: (15 minutes later) dude!!! rotflmaottcoomeascoomn!!! omg omg!!!
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a black guy who never was really ‘black’ and can’t identify with blacks because he grew up in a white enviroment; usually upper middle cl-ss-liberal. to make up for his loss of ‘blackness’ he seeks non-existent ‘social injustices,’ false racism claims, and becomes a ‘wanna-be’ activist. some choose to study ‘african american’ studies because they […]
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