throwing fives

when someone is throwing a b-tch fit, or when they are acting extra when not necessary
why you bugging she ain’t even your girl? stop throwing fives

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    when you beat your d-ck so hard you sh-t yourself! every time she gives me a rusty trombone i get explosive beateria!

  • sad astronaut

    when youre on a misson to drive somewhere and cant stop for a toilet break, so wear a nappy/ diaper and just keep on truckin i wasnt going to miss nickelbacks last tour across the country so i pulled the old sad astronaut and watched the miles slip away

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    a different way of spelling the name donal. “check out donil that pelt”

  • big pump

    lil pump’s abusive father i found big pump!

  • doriko

    the g-yest person on any type of social media ur mom is a doriko lol

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