Thumb Chum
a deliberately provocative or inflammatory posting on facebook, mysp-ce, or other social networking sites that has the sole intention of inciting an online argument. such postings often dare others to repost or give them a “thumbs up” by challenging the viewer’s patriotism, religious faith or s-xuality.
this facebook posting is total thumb chum: “cannibalism is awesome! if you don’t repost or like this, you are un-american, hate baby jesus and are gay!”
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- Boo-No
a way to knock a bad idea. derived from the espn commercial with chad johnson. slight change of “boo ya!”. stu: “…a little shake ‘n’ bake, then boo-ya!” chad: “boo-no” andy: “hey we should hang out today.” nate: “boo-no.” v. to push an individual with extreme force when he or she is not expecting it. […]
- Fransen
an undercl-ssmen starter in a sporting event oh..that freshman is starting varsity, she must be a fransen. coach: “hey are you a fransen?” a fransen: “yeah” coach: “good, take our best player’s starting spot!”
- Franatic
a person who watches “the nanny” religiously or anything that has to do with fran drescher i.e. cortney schwartz the girl was such a franatic it’s scary
- frave
a conjunction of the common english words “fraternity” and “rave.” used to describe a fraternity party trying to be an underground rave. may include glowsticks, kegs, and smoke machines. “yo dude, you were really rockin’ out at that frave.”
- Freemanic Paracusia
a disorder wherein you hear everything you read in the comforting voice of morgan freeman. while surfing the internet, randall, a sufferer of freemanic paracusia, was confronted with a spam advertis-m-nt and found comfort in the thought of morgan freeman reading it aloud to him: “why, you could enlarge your p-n-s for cheap. my, […]