the act of stroking another’s body lightly, so as to cause involuntary twitching, squirming, and laughter. used for foreplay, fun, or torture.
mark started tickling sarah’s feet until she screamed and cruied with laughter
¹ a way of inducing involuntary laughter and embarr-ssment from the victim.
² a great way to get a buzz/adrenaline rush for all those involved
³ a cheap excuse to cop a feel.
tickling girls gave him an adrenaline rush and was a cheap way to remove articles of their clothing and to cop a feel.
did you see that topless chick get tickled on the howard stern show? that was hawt!
tickling – if you can’t watch p-rn, there’s always tickling!
a remedy that actualllly works for hiccupps.
when you’re really drunk and start hiccupping, someone surprises you by tickling you, and poof they’re gone.
a pleasant, non-s-xual way to make someone laugh, which is done by gently goosing, poking or stroking a part of the body such as the soles of the feet, underarms, tummy or ribs.
dakota can’t concentrate on her homework because her little sister keeps tickling her feet and making her laugh.
its just like rape.
except your forced to laugh instead of being raped.
girl-“tickling boy’
to lightly wiggle and move a key around inside a lock and/or use alternative instruments to open it. generally it is applied to thieves from ireland and england who “tickled the lock” hence its name.
sam: “damit this key won’t open the lock” joe: “give it to me”
sam: “what are you doing..”
joe: “this is called tickling the lock”
as in “gooch tickling”
1)when someone is doing something they shouldn’t be doing or when what they are doing is annoying
2)what someone was doing when they were supposed to be hanging with you
zopes! stop tickling your gooch.
“where was he? oh, he was tickling his gooch last night.”
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- Frodo
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