a cr-ppy little football club who have never acheived anything, have very few supporters and generally have a rubbish stadium.
wigan only took 500 to blackburn on sat-rday how tinpot are they?
a term used to describe something that is either of low quality, has a poor reputation or is unknown altogether, has an insignificant history or any combination of the aforementioned. the term is often used to describe english football (that’s soccer to our yankee & aussie friends) clubs that occupy the lower reaches of the english footballing pyramid. these clubs are characterised by;
a) terrible quality of football, often of amateur and semi-professional standards and occ-ssionally even pub side quality,
b) very small fanbases resulting in low attendance figures and small travelling crowds (away support in football parlance),
c) diminutive and often run-down stadiums with poor amenities (portable toilets in place of functioning bathrooms), minimal seating and cover, often resulting in spectators being exposed to the harsh conditions of the english weather,
d) a baren trophy cabinet, or if they are lucky, a handful of local cups on a shelf that n-body outside of the club has heard of,
e) a shocking bank balance as the clubs just about manage to pay the bills. however, in recent years more often than not the clubs end up in administration,
f) having to go back to 1927 to find an occ-ssion or person that would be deemed to be notweorthy in the world of english football. often, upon coming across a fan of a more reputable club, they will eagerly tell said fan of their grand days of the 1927/28 season in an attempt to make their club seem relevant,
”last tuesday night we was away to tinpot bristol rovers and as usual we was confined to the open terraces of the east stand, exposed to the p-ssing rain and lashing winds. it was grim as f-ck, made only worse by the excuse of a football game we witnessed along with 3,000 other miserable fans.” – said the fan of equally tinpot southend united to his mate.
”i couldn’t believe accrington stanley. the tinpot sh-tes brought all of 28 fans to the match last night.” – said an enraged fan of tinpot gillingham.
”did you hear about afc wimbledon? they’re bankrupt and could be heading into administration soon. they were only formed in 2002, the useless tinpots.” – said a stunned barnet fan.
”we’re fleetwood town and we won the lancashire combination cup in 1926!” – chanted the 48 away fans of tinpot fleetwood town.
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