tit balm

the j-zz on a women’s t-ts after s-x
last night my girlfriend decided she wanted some t-t balm, so i gave it to her.

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  • w2s

    a youtuber who is really funny and dissed ksi and he is apart of the sidemen hey that’s the youtuber w2s

  • kangshit

    kangaroo sh-ting his or her pants kangsh-t did it in that girl

  • alphacuntitis

    females that suffer from a syndrome of being a giant c-nt. inflammation of the female ego. i heard shannon was sick… – ya she has a bad case of alphac-nt-tis.

  • big daddy dave

    big p-n-s i got a big daddy dave

  • kidung

    a weird, sometimes funny, sometimes boring, sometimes creative(e.t.c.) girl who is basically a combination of everything, which makes her really inconsistent. however, she’s always awesome when it really matters. 😊 d-mn boi, that gurl kidung just got an a+ on all of her subjects in the university exam!!

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