Tough Love

another version of “being cruel to be kind”. to show somebody some tough love today will save them heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the “tough love” has been dispensed. they would suffer more if you let them get on with their life with no interference from third parties.
leo-“i’m gonna ask that girl out on a date”
chris-“you’d be wasting your time, you are ugly, overweight and suffer severely from b.o. and thats just your good points, take it from me, she will reject you, maybe not straight away, perhaps she will rinse your bank account first, but you have no future with that girl, i’m sorry mate the writing is on the wall”
leo-“harsh words, but priceless advice, i guess thats what they call tough love”
chris-“it sure is, look it up on the urban dictionary, on second thoughts, you better not”
an excuse domineering people use to rationalize abusing others.
he said he was only practicing tough love on her, but her intuition said he’s really trying to control her when he refuses to let her go out with her friends.
a bullsh-t excuse to mistreat and severely scar your loved one’s
he calls it tough love, but all he’s doing is treating her like dirt.
to care for someone while remaining unsympathetic and being strict
children need tough love today in order to become productive members of society.
this phrase was coined by bill milliken when he published the book of the same name in 1968 and revised it with char meredith in 1971.

it has become widely used and copied with numerous authors writing books of the same t-tle or employing the phrase in their t-tle. it occurs frequently in the news as well.

the phrase refers to the practice of setting boundries for children.
mom: she is staying out all night and her friends are drinking heavily. i am worried about her.

dad: you just have to use tough love and ground her until she has time to see how ill advised her choices really are.
stopping the ones you love from reproducing for the sakes of others.
big brother showed his little sister some tough love when he told her he’d hit her pressure points if she did drugs.
in a stand-up 69 position, the giver drops the givee in a pile-drivesk maneuver headfirst to the floor. please note, giver must promptly remove p-n-s from givee’s mouth before gravity takes it’s toll.
honey, this is a lesson in tough love. this’ll hurt you more than it’ll hurt me.

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