TP the FB
tounge punch the fart box. similar to tounge jack the sh-t box. the act of inserting the tongue as deep as possible into the -n-s.
“man she’s hot. i’d tp the fb.”
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- Hate-Fest
verb or noun a term used to express dislike of a person to the point of hate. generally used for hating someone who is not worth wasting your time on. a lesser version of hate-campaign or hate-crusade. “g-d, that kid is so annoying.” “yeah, what a hate-fest.” or “hate-fest towards sarah.” “that b-tch’s going down.”
- Heath Barring
when one woman sucks repeatedly on another woman’s cl-toris for pleasure purposes. this one lesbian was heath barring the sh-t out of this other lesbian
- Hemolele
pure, innocent, etc. it is used as a name or nickname.
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