when you turn up and get high, drunk or both.
bob: (slurring) aye, man. you gotta get to this party!
jim: dude, you sound trank as fuuuck.
random drunk chick: i be traaaaaank!
16 more definitions
(verb) to relax. as in trank out. derived from “tranquilizer”
“after a gl-ss of wine and a good nap i was so tranked out.”
tranks also means pills that calm you down (sedatives and benzodiazepines). short for tranquilizers.
why did my doctor take away my tranks?
tramp and sk-nk combined into one.
what a trank, shut up you stupid trank, get away from me trank
verb – to trank. to intentionally add preposterous or nonsensical editorial to a funny story in order to sabotage the humor of it.
thanks for tranking the story sean. or… he just tranked the whole joke.
a train wreck of a sk-nk that is notorious for getting out of control wasted. a trank will show up to a party, go for any guy, his friends, or any other piece of d-ck that looks twice at her.
also used as an adjective in conjuction with another term: ex. trank–ss ho’s
tranked-out b-tches
tranky-lookin females
bro one: so i heard stacey’s coming out to the party tonight
bro two: stacey? you mean that fahckin tranked out mess that puked all over the dishes and then tried to make out with me?
bro one: ya…
bro two: smh
1.)the given name for the canadian writer who writes short fiction.
(i.e. “have you read the latest work by trank?”)
2.) a name given to people in a mellow state of mind.
(i.e. that guy is so trank; the relaxed just flows from him.”)
#1 – (i.e. “have you read the latest work by trank?”)
#2 – (i.e. “that guy is so trank; the relaxed just flows from him.”)
verb: to thoroughly enjoy the company of close -ssociates. tranking can vary in intensity (from chilling to partying), but generally has a more intimate connotation. this is the most common form of the word.
adj: having the characteristics of creating and deepening friendships; intimate
noun: 1) a person renowned for wanting to have a good time with others. 2) any object that can bring two people closer together in a non-s-xual way
the boys/girls and i tranked so hard yesterday. i don’t think i’ve ever had such deep conversations.
that party wouldn’t have been so trank without the handle and ecstacy.
1) brock is such a trank, we always have a great time together. 2) you’re eyes are tranks. are you getting lost in mine like i am in yours?
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