to rhythmically drum on the b-ttocks of a lover or s-xual partner.
“dude man, last night i trundled this chica with a huge behind!”
p–ping in a sock then as a sign of camaraderie and playfulness, smacking them in the head with said p–p filled sock.
friend: so we put shaving cream on your face while sleeping last night.
me: ooooh man you’re gonna get a trundle comin to ya soon. be on the look out bro.
a trundle is someone who you adore beyond belief (a best friend/family member) who happens to offend you greatly without meaning to do so. someone who you want to wound without causing permanent damage.
-hey kat, don’t you have mono? or was it hiv?
-what?whatwhatwhat gabie you trundle
-ahhhh! i’m so wounded!!!
-but not permanently.
-oh. you’re right. cool. sorry.
to have a girl sleep in your bed without having s-x with her.
slice trundled a girl last night at we-fest
to plod along. to trod to trudgedrag your feet
as joe walked, trevor trundled along behind him.
the area under the chin before the neck. it is very sensitive and a very sensual place to touch.
she touched my trundle last night. i wish i had shaved.
1) when a fat person barges (or trundles) through a crowd of people.
2) when a fat person tries to move quickly in a given direction. a cross between a waddle and a trudge.
watch fat sallie trundle through the line of people to the buffet!
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