verb: to kick in the c-nt.
noun: a kick to the c-nt.
truntee – one who has received a trunt / one who has been trunted by a trunter.
trunter – one who delivers a trunt / one who trunts a truntee.
if you dont shut up and get on with the washing up i’m gonna trunt you into next week!
i gave him/her a right good trunting.
alt: proverb
a trunt a day keeps the babies away.
triple threat tw-t
andrew stone from pineapple dance studios, louie spence showbusiness & starman. he is a first cl-ss trunt
when “trou” simply won’t do. combines the general worthlessness of “trou” with a level of malice only “c-nt” can provide. best used when wronged by a trou or when witnessing an especially offensive example of trou-ishness.
that f-cking trunt seriously just gave be a negative cor for not showing up at a rape briefing.
i wouldn’t give that stupid trunt a gl-ss of water in a desert.
i wish that trunt had children so i could kick them in the head and stomp on their t-st-cl-s.
look at that fat trunt try to slide her hudson hips up the shelf!
1) a fuse of the word “turnt” and the word “trippin”
2) you are so turnt that you misspell ‘turnt’ as ‘trunt’
“dude i was going crazy last night, i was trunt af.”
“hey man, come over to my place, i get a keg.”
“f-ck yeah, let’s turn trunt.”
a deliberate mispr-nunciation of turnt, for the purposes of seeming cooler than the rest.
yo i’m getting so trunt tonight. #trunt
(noun) 1. a person, typically a female, who exhibits a chronic lack of courtesy, tact, integrity or essence of redeeming value while committed to the attempted destruction of others; 2. a female without evidence of a soul. etymology: american english; sourced to the combined meanings of the words c-nt and troll= trunt.
the current decade seems riddled with political trunts such as sarah palin and jan brewer.
a trunt has many different meanings. most of witch are people mooshing words that start with t with the word c-nt. a trunt is a traveling c-nt. basically an epicly crude way of saying wh-r-.
=) and i love it!
girl 1: what a a really big sl-t!
girl 2: yeah shes a total trunt.
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