one who eats until they are engorged…and then proceeds to eat even more, usually resulting in a turkey coma. a glutton — but a happy glutton nontheless.
see also thanksgiving and grandma’s cooking.
“yeah, i was a total tryptophanatic over the holidays. i think i slept for about 30 hours after i ate that second turkey.”
1 more definition
one of those people who always insists on telling everyone that they will be tired after eating turkey because of the tryptophan.
guy: “hey guys, you’ll all be tired after eating the turkey. you know why?”
everyone else: “because of the tryptophan?”
guy: “no, because of the tryptophan!”
everyone else: “yeah, we know that. everyone knows that. what a tryptophanatic…”
guy: (to self) “i’m so godd-mned smart.”
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