to f-ck-up, or freakout.
d-mn n-gg- you twick.
half twit, half d-ck; a real intolerable -ss that loves to spew absolute nonsense.
my new co-worker is such a twick, you need earplugs to have a pleasant conversation with him.
amalgamation of “tw-t” and “pr-ck.” a non-gender specific term applied to a person exhibiting genitalia-like qualities; generally a very pretentious or arrogant individual.
wow, that president of bp oil guy was a serious twick when he called us ‘little people.’
to cancel or temporarily interrupt a service paid for without notice to the customer when the provider wants to reduce costs and hopes the disruption will go unnoticed. from the acronym for time warner cable (twc) and the term “trick”.
i was watching that show online and at a critical point the feed twicked! argh!
a contraction for totally wicked.
generally used as an exclaimation
“yo man, those new kicks are t-wick.”
“thats gnar that you shredded was t-wick.”
“i had the most t-wick weekend in canada, ever!”
a teeny weeny d-ck,someone that is an -sshole, a small joint
or blunt
girl don’t f-ck him, i heard he’s got a twick!
i hate my boss he is such a twick!
we need a roach clip to smoke this twick
when you hate a tick and a twich at the same time
look, she has a twick on her hard
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