Twisted Apple
a person who refuses to acknowledge the inferior nature of apple’s over hyped, over priced devices, such as the i-phone, i-touch, or i-pad. the following mental disorder is the result of untreated “i-phone effect”. the “twisted apple” will usually have a mcjob, such as starbacks, or work part-time as para-legal.they will constantly brag and boast that their i-phone is the best thing after sliced bread. they will try to impress you with the gps navigation on the i-phone, but they never learn how to use it. they also obess on steve job’s and will m-st-rb-t- to his podcast’s.
ricky: hey britt, can you use your gps navigation and get us directions to the snoop dogg concert. his concert is in santa ana, at the galaxy theater.
britt: sure, this gps sh-t is idiot proof. a monkey can even operate this sh-t.
(58 minutes later)
ricky: hey britt, are we lost? how come we are entering into huntington park?
britt: (valley girl accent) omfg! this blueberry blunt you rolled got me so blown. i havent figured out how to use this gps(giggles). omg, the apple salesmen made it look so simple in the mac mall store. let me call tech support.
ricky: britt, you are a i-hole. i should have known you were a “twisted apple”. (pulls out a thomas guide instead).
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