a writing style one adopts on twitter, in order not to exceed the allotted 140 characters
i can read half a page of regular text quicker than one line of cryptic twitoric.
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- twitterganger
when someone creates a twitter account in order to impersonate you and make you look like an idiot. i just found out i have a twitterganger who tweeted that in the 80s i was in a coven with christine o’donnell.
- twitter-palooza
sending multiple tweets to twitter all in one day (upwards of 30 or more updates) kris went on a twitter-palooza today she sent so many tweets there was almost one per minute
- Twootballer
an afl football that uses twitter yo dawg, that harry o’brien is a mad twootballer.
- twotch
to twotch is to have a little peek at something somebody who twotches is a twotcher somebody who is doing it at that precise moment is twotching dan had a twotch in tesco dan is a twotcher of birds dan is currently twotching a big bird
- Transbeasticle
an individual who chooses to cross-dress, but does it poorly. identified by body hair, bad makeup, and broad shoulders. “wow, look at the transbeasticle over there. he has more leg hair than a sasquatch!”