washington township, gloucester county, new jersey
south jersey’s #1 community
t-t w-nk potential. the potential ability a woman has to perform a t-t w-nk on a mans p-n-s. usually determined by the size of her br–sts.
jon: that girl has some serious twp!
george: yeah mate, 8 out of 10 twp
jon: easily
a welsh word (especially valleys)meaning “stupid” or “dull” in the extreme.
mike drove through the coal drenched miners town with his hands covering his ears. through the skin on his palms he could hear the screams and jeers of the young girls: “mikey boy, you’re twp as f-ck!”. it was time to move on.
turkish water pipe – very old school bong.
good work. this next hit from the twp is for you.
texting while p–ping
today, i was doing some twp because i needed to let my boss know i was running late for work.
(short for “texting while p–ping”)
1. when your life gets too busy to respond to your text messages, you have to rely on the five to ten minutes on the toilet to text people back and you don’t want to call anyone because they may hear you p–ping.
2. a great excuse often used so you don’t have to call someone at that particular moment.
(in a text conversation)
sally: “can i call u?”
john: “in a little bit. i’m twp.”
sally: “ur f-cking gross.”
texting whilest p–ping/peeing
tweeting whilest p–ping/peeing
guy 1: dude get out to the car we’re gonna be late
guy 2: twp
guy 1: ughhhh
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