type 2 gonna-herpa-siphil-aid-beties

a disease that was created in a lab funded by the former govener of california himself. the symptoms of this disease are the following:

cynical -ssholeness
constant fear of chuck norris
burning of the ureathra when urinating
sores on the genatilia
genital warts
low blood-sugar levels
epileptic siesures
love of stephen lynch
hate of michael j fox
low insulin levels
enlarged t-st-c-ls or mammary glands
guy1: dude last night i got type 2 gonna-herpa-siphil-aid-beties (t2ghsad)
guy2: your mom really is a wh-r- isnt she?
guy1: hahahahaha…… yeah. i hate my life.

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Disclaimer: type 2 gonna-herpa-siphil-aid-beties definition / meaning should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. All content on this website is for informational purposes only.