uber n00b
a form of slang that is used to represent someone who is the worst “noob” ever. as seen in the eyes of those who call him/her as such.
you suck!, uber noob!
can also be said as ubernoob. it is a noob who thinks they are the best, and acts like a know it all when they know nothing. often talks in 1337 (computer geek lingo) and calls people with scores way better than theirs, a noob.
also a mixture between uber and noob
(scores, dave-150, ubern00b-1]
ubern00b- 0h 1 ju57 pwn3d j00, j00 n00b, joo 4r3 73h suxor(translate= i just killed you for the first timeeven though you killed me 150 times, so therefor you suck an are a n00b)
dave-stfu you ubern00b
some one that dies more than he lives in video games.
see delron
that guy is such a uber-n00b everyone yells ranger down soon as he logs in.
someone with no micro and lacks blue sh-lls.
matt is a uber n00b especially when playing mario kart dd.
a term given to someone who is an extreme noob, usually used in a video game.
john, “dude, artx105 is such an uber-n00b, he has one kill and 100 deaths!”
jake,”lol, he is the worst noob ever.”
derived from the words über and n00b, which are german and 1337 in respective origination. this phase refers to someone who far surp-sses the usuall levels of n00bishness, i.e. a n00b on speed.
übern00b: i r teh roxxorz at halflife 2, you f-gs. i pwn you all with my rocketwhoring!
contributing member of society: …i hate you
übern00b: well you’re just teh f-gxxorz, you tool!
an uber n00b is some 1 who suckes at gaming in every single aspect usally a townie (just because they are n00bish at everything in life)
uber noob: gets fragged for 1111 time
expert person: your not a noob your an uber noob
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