do you have enough business? are you getting sales? is your business doing well? are you busy with work? how’s biz?
ubizzy? how’s biz?
are you busy
ubizzy foshizzy
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- ubjnk
a non word created by mashing your keyboard, usually due to boredom… variations (to name a few) are- ggjbnk, sderxydcf, and the always popular bjkpoiyrewsdxcv. valerie was bored, so she smashed her keyboard and searched the web for ubjnk.
unnecessary black kid: an african-american kid that shows up to basketball intramurals usually wearing their p.e. uniform and some kind of chain. a ubk’s sole purpose is to mess up every drill they partic-p-te in and make everybody else’s experience unenjoyable. i hate when those d-mn ubk’s show up to practice. all they do is […]
usama (or osama) bin laden: friend of the downtrodden m-sses, who expresses his deep affection by arranging for groups of them to be incinerated, vaporised or exploded. “ubl needs to appear in a court. but first he must be caught.” ultimate bottle league. founded by messers amott, radnor, foley, patch and o’kane. a ultra violent […]
- Ubla
ubla is a word difficult to define however is used as a come back for those who dont have an extensive vocabulary. it is a word mostly used by hungover marias (lady muzzas) from the western suburbs of melbourne, against people from the eastern suburbs of melbourne. although it has originated between these two suburbs […]
- dirty snow trapeser
verb: one who does not wipe feet or beat the snow from feet before entering a house. especially when the persons in the house walk around in their socks. dammit katy ,you dirty snow trapeser!!! now my f-cking socks are wett!!!!!