unbuttoned blaise

a lil white boy who has a lot of moles, and wears a lot of unb-ttoned shirts to show his flabs.
he’s pulling an unb-ttoned blaise.

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    a person who does not understand social norms and likes j-pan and wolfs. they are often seen using hand sanitizer. the person often changes hair colour and dresses in weird clothes such as a witch or something else. sometimes seen with cat ears and red eye lenses she is weird, she is a kingma.

  • butternubbs

    someone who is unbelievably fat, and has skin so greasy that it shines. carl- “hey, b-tternubbs. how you doing today?” b-tternubbs- “i only had 12 heart attacks today!”

  • Sretenije

    sweetest guy on earth. very smart,nice and s-xy. irrisistable,best friend you could ever get,honest,loves to help people out for the attention. if he doesn’t love you,you’re an -sshole. but,attention please,in love,he is loverat, someone who cheats,commits adultery or two-times in a realitionship.in short he have affairs with one or more people. sre – sarcastic raise […]

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    a group of favors with tiny d-cks wow that guy is short he must be an alestra

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