hot girls that use the internet well, and play computer games are said not to exist in real life. to find one is exceptionally hard, and thus they deserve the t-tle of a mythical creature. not to be confused with a semicr0n, which is a console game playing girl, a unicr0n plays all kinds of computer games, and knows how to torrent, use forums or even knows how to hack. be on the lookout for these rare creatures, but fear not, they are on the rise!
did you see that girl over there? she totally pwned you in cs! and she’s hot! she’s a f-kkin’ unicr0n! ask her out now!
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- unicrack
1. mad case of -ssgina. 2. when the v-g-n- is linked to the b-tt crack, therefore no sp-ce inbetween the -n-s and..well..you get it. 1. d-mn she’s sweaty, she left her unicrack print on the seat. 2. i’m sorry miss, we’re going to have operate on your anis. ok, p-ss me the unicracker. 3. “unicrack, […]
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a virtual pet on the website unicreatures.com. there are various unicreatures that can be evolved,cared for,trained,and used in virtual combat. i think the orbit is the best unicreature of them all.
- Unicron
the biggest transformer ever. this robot is completely evil and is big. don’t like unicron? tough, he’ll just eat your planet. that’s right, this guy is a planet that thinks nothing of munching on other planets and moons. and then if that wasn’t enough, he can just transform into a giant robot and start kicking […]
- Unicronian
consisting of incomprehensible m-ss or quant-ty, in reference to the size of unicron a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and retains the ability to transform into a mechanical planet. i busted a unicronian nut and afterward required a long nap.
- Unicronical Engineering
the discipline of engineering devoted to the creation and maintenance of planet devouring transforming robots. “what type of eng are you in steve?” “unicronical engineering” “why’s that?” “well, i mean, if i wanted to be a p-ssy, i guess i could go into mechanical, but i’m not.”