University of Toledo
the university of toledo, located in the sprawling urban slum of toledo, ohio offers students a waste of their college years. offerring an intensely limited array of majors, advisors and professors strive to either fail their students, or mess up their schedules just enough so that students will have to “enjoy” an extra year at this excellent university. admission is not based on academic excellence in high school, but whether or not you can pay tuition. as an added bonus, every student graduates with a minor in ebonics.
graduates leave with the warm memories of foreign people teaching comp 1, bet blasting on all of the tv sets in the student union, avi eggs that look like sponges, squirrels that are bigger than great danes, and the knowledge that now they don’t have to worry about the “parking n-z-s” anymore.
if this school sounds like what you are looking for in higher education, ask your self these questions: do you like rap? do you like living in the ghetto? do you mind driving around in circles looking for a place to park for at least an hour? do you believe in t-tle 9? do you like not seeing the sun for 11.9 months out of the year? do you prefer to waste your youth away? then this is the school for you!
you know you go to the university of toledo if the only things there are to do are get mugged, get jumped, get shanked, get bored, or get drunk.
a poor excuse for a post-secondary school. while located in the nicest part of central-city toledo (that ain’t saying much), it still cannot deny its strong ghetto heritage. it is a very diverse school that is pretty representative of greater toledo (which can be a plus) with lots of arabs, blacks, and latinos. the school is however open admission and will take any r-t-rd that can find money for tuition. it has earned its nickname “bancroft high” fully.
“man, i don’t know what i want to do with my life….i think i’ll just go to ut and get high and hit up the clubs downtown.”
“brother, you’d be better off with a st. john’s degree than one from ut.”
university of toledo an awesome university set in the city of toledo. offering 20,000 students access to high ranked sports, the arts, and tons of clubs and organizations there are countless ways to get involved. it’s an education not just in academics but in real life experience – ut has it all!
ut has a lot more to offer than that school down i-75, including a mac champion t-tle for the 2004 season:)
cool school in toledo ohio. campus is huge and is ranked as one of the most beautiful campuses. if your on campus and drive one way. your in a rich neighborhood. drive the other way and its pretty dirty and ghetto. but overall pretty nice college
billy:bro should we hang with the millionaires? or smoke crack in the ghetto?
john: why don’t we do both? were at the university of toledo so its all cool
billy: alright!!!!!
toledo’s apparent premier campus offering education in all subject matters especially engineering, business, and law. meant to drive every commuting student enrolled crazy by failing to provide sufficient parking. also, foreign students and minorities make up the majority of this ghetto slum.
person a: “where you going to college bro?”
person b: “not toledo”
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