underworld speed-clear, srsbsns
one of your standard uwscers advertising: need chamber/\pits for uwsc – pro only no fail!!
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- UW-Stout
wisconsin’s polytechnic university, comprises nearly 9000 students from all over the world. often looked at as the back-up school or reject campus in the uw-system, nothing could be further from the truth. with one of the best aesthetic campuses, highest job placement rates and most notorious party reputation in the state, uw-stout kicks the sh-t […]
- uwud
short version of “you would”. basiclly calling someone out as being extremly repet-tive. stacey told me she cheated on your boyfriend. i told her “uwud”, because she did the same thing 3 years ago.
underdeveloped worthless useless fat ugly r-t-rd. usually referred to as a ‘caleb’ or an ‘it’. they normally have no friends though are confident in themselves even though they will never be anything useful in life. they have no use on planet earth yet, other than being annoying or obstructive, destructive etc. 1 “ooh, look at […]
- uxbridge
a town in m-ssachusetts that is lame. the most gangster guy drives a tractor and is named bubba b-mpkin biscuit. uxbridge is filled with so many farms, all we eat is corn and gr-ss 2 more definitions town in ontario, north of toronto. sometimes referred to derisively as “suxbridge”. has acquired a reputation for high […]
- uxbridge high school
a school that is old but not horrible. has a diverse group of people, from gangstas, to sporty kids to losers who spend all their time doing stupid stuff like this (me). uxbridge high school needs a vote yes