a sweet, good looking,intelligent girl, who is always busy, but know when to have fun, and enjoy a good time. trustworty, and always there for you. the one person you want to meet before you die.
wow valeria
a valeria is a great friend. sh-ll always be there for you when you need her. she’s also the person you wanna f-ck. she’s great at s-x and loves feeling s-xy. she’s a great friend to keep for your whole life.
d-mn valeria.
a sweet asa person who knows how to party!
the energizer battery, just keeps going and going ang going
a person who is quite the eye-catching and unique individual. very cool, unlike most.
hey, mom, can i be valeria when i’m older?
tim, that girl’s cute, but she’s not a valeria.
valeria, a very beautiful, happy, and all around fun girl to be with. she loves feeling and looking s-xy. her smile will drive you crazy and her laugh is to die for. a person you know will always have your back. you’ll love her. she cranky but will get over cr-p quickly. even just being a friend to her is enough. as long as you have this girl in your life you’ll be promised eternal happiness. she’s a really chill girl to be around. she’s fun. she’s s-xy. she’s cheesy. she’s adorable. she’s simply amazing.
cole: i wish valeria would look my way.
valeria: i saw a kite today
tim: d-mn i wish i had valeria back
valeria: i want a sandwich
nicky: i’m jelly of val
valeria: today is going to be a good day.
an amazingly beautiful girl with nice eyes and a cute smile great friend to have perky att-tude and b-tt can be the light of the party
why thats valeria can’t you tell shes the light of the party
best person you’ll ever meet!
will always be there for you, very caring, and does not start drama.
valeria is always there for me with the best advice.
i can tell her anything and i know it’ll be safe!
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