Vera Bradley
a line of handbags and accessories produced by the vera bradley company. founded by patricia miller and barbara bradley-baekgaard (whos mother, vera, gives her name to the company). the company usually produces their products out of cotton quilt material, and are known for being light weight and easy washable. styles and colors are many, with names like java blue, citrus, and alpine black. most colors are available in all styles. also worth notable mention is the vera bradley breast cancer foundation. two colors, hope toile and new hope, were created so that a portion of each purchase of an item in that color would go to the foundation. until recently, vera bradley bags have been most popular in the south, whereas they can now be found on college campuses nationwide.
sean: do you like my new vera bradley java blue messenger bag? i bought a matching pencil case and umbrella to go with it!
elizabeth: it smells so good! like fabric softner!
sean: thats because i washed it!
elizabeth: ooh! i want one!
a line of handbags and accessories produced by the vera bradley company. founded by patricia miller and barbara bradley-baekgaard (whos mother, vera, gives her name to the company). the company usually produces their products out of cotton quilt material, and are known for being light wight and easy washable. styles and colors are many, with names like java blue, citrus, and alpine black. most colors are available in all styles. also worht notable mention is the vera bradley breast caner foundation. two colors, hope toile and new hope, were created so thata portion of each purchase of an item in that color would go to the foundation. until recently, vera bradley bags have been most popular in the south, whereas they can now be found on college campuses nationwide.
sean: do you like my new vera bradley java blue messenger bag? i bought a matching pencil case and umbrella to go with it!
elizabeth: it smells so good! like fabric softner!
thats because i washed it!
elizabeth: ooh! i want one!
fugly grandma purses every 12-17 year old girl on the planet wears. they come in these nasty paisly prints and look like quilts, and some go across the body and look like something a 12 year old dork would wear to match her grandma. it is for nerdy teenagers with no sense of style. i’ve seen several old ladies wearing them trying to be “hip” also. they’ve been around for about 5 years but haven’t seem to die down. anyone who has worn a vera bradley purse in public has committed social suicide.
kate: “like do you have the new paisly vera bradley hipster? aren’t i so f-cking cool?”
hannah: “i’ve seen like 20 other people with the exact same one, i think my grandma has it.”
kate: “oh, huh, i guess i’ll just have to buy another one.”
a brand of ugly, pillowish, overpriced bags.
omg, check out my new vera bradley bag and matching change purse! all together i only paided 80 dollars, for this major fashion mistake!
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