very good looking … used almost exclusively by people who are generally not particularly so
gwm 6’0 7 c vgl iso gwm iq not required
this is an acronym for v-g-n-lly good lover and is used as:
a) an offensive term for a man who has an incalculable amount of one-night stands with women and all he cares about is only v-g-n-lly pleasing these women, of course at a detriment not only to -n-l and oral s-x for these women (since not all women like only v-g-n-l s-x) but also to his own s-xual pleasure and gratification
b) used as a neutral term in female-only conversations or bachelorette parties to denote a male lover who is generally overall great in bed.
two women in conversation:
woman a) how was your craigsnight?
woman b) horrible. the b-st-rd i hooked up with for a one-night stand was such a vgl
a gathering of ignorant losers that are aliented in a chat room owned by aol. their members include a stalker, a child molestor, and all around nerds. their definition of “cool” revolves around games that no one has ever heard of, or cared for. they lead a dead-end life.
“you’re a member of vgl? please refrain from speaking to me, you ingrate.”
a chatroom on aol that even the people who wrote the first few definitions use to sit in and complain about nothing in particular. usually trying to annoy other people in the room. they would still be in there, but i am guessing they decided that talking about square games and imaginary friends just wasn’t annoying enough so they left.
nah mean?! i no,right?
vgl: abbreviation for video games live. where a “professional” orchestra plays noise from your favorite games such as donkey kong, math blaster and tetris.
equivalent to paying 100 dollars to hear your gameboy color in front of a microphone.
bob: you’re going to the vgl? h-ll i’d rather go play my yellow version pokemon than bleed my ears out.
vgl = video games lounge. a chat room that has existed in the aol video games section for many years in which about 20 people–fluctuating off and on–called “home.” renmazuo, darkstalkrr (gamearts), wren(random#s), evaunitii, ryuukotei, soul4ger were just a few of its members. the chat room existed since at least 1996 (and possibly before that time). its rival, “the war room” (ant aol) started a few years after. it is unknown whether vgl still exists today, and who–or what–is currently occupying it…
otaku said it best: a nut house.
the point of no return. the final refuge for the rejected, ignored and mentally disturbed.
also see “nut house”
“vgl? kill yourself.”
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