the embodiment of s-xy. was g-d’s gift to earth. he is named after the sri lankan king in the legend of ramayana, vibeeshana. ones that bear the name are often considered to be n-ble, courageous, cunning, and handsome. so divine is the name that it is often used as a expression for grat-tude or revelation.
brown guy: yo we don’t have to do that essay!
dark brown guy: vibeeshan!
brown guy: yo i’m going out with that chick we saw the other day!
dark brown guy: vibeeshan!
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the younger more talented sibling of the hershey spurt, where the person farts so hard & the rim of their -n-s is vibrated so much that the expulsion is accompanied by a tuneful note. juliane was so good at vibrating hershey spurts she would entertain patrick & jarno by performing beethoven cl-ssics as they gave […]
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